We microdose compounds for the specific needs of Behavioral Health.

Patients with substance use disorder (SUD) can find it difficult to stop using due to withdrawal symptoms- tremors, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, and even seizures. Our expert pharmacists are able to create low-dose compounded medications using Naltrexone or a combination of Buprenorpine and Naloxone to specifically address the needs of the patient and reduce or even eliminate the effects of substance withdrawal. Removing this barrier to recovery will give them their best opportunity to live a healthy life.

Naltrexone has been found to be effective in reducing relapse to alcohol use by blocking the subjective effects of the first drink. Naltrexone also is used with well-motivated, drug-free opioid addicts to block the effects of usual street doses of heroin or morphine derivatives.

Landry, M.J. Overview of Addiction Treatment Effectiveness. Pub. No. (SMA) 96-3081. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 1996.


Microdosing can be used to induce a patient onto buprenorphine/naloxone with no withdrawal. The combination of buprenorphine/naloxone safety profile, and flexible microdosing schedule are well suited to a complex patient population.

Rozylo, J., Mitchell, K., Nikoo, M. et al. Case report: Successful induction of buprenorphine/naloxone using a microdosing schedule and assertive outreach. Addict Sci Clin Pract 15, 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13722-020-0177-x

A targeted focus on the patient’s individual characteristics and a better selection of treatment strategies to increase positive outcomes and reduce misdiagnoses and cost.

van der Stel J. Precision in Addiction Care: Does It Make a Difference?. Yale J Biol Med. 2015;88(4):415-422. Published 2015 Nov 24.

Low Dose Naltrexone - Can it help treat Alcohol Use Disorder?

Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) can find it difficult to stop drinking due to withdrawal symptoms- tremors, sweating, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, and even seizures. However, when a patient is given low dose naltrexone (LDN), they may be able to stop consuming alcohol while experiencing fewer or no symptoms of withdrawal. A starting dose of LDN (0.5 mg-1.5 mg) is increased over several weeks, which allows patients to slowly taper off alcohol. LDN significantly reduces heavy drinking, cravings, and relapse episodes by blocking the release of endorphins associated with consumption. Additional research investigated the effects of LDN on opioid detoxifying patients who were also heavy drinkers. Results showed fewer withdrawal symptoms, increased likelihood of continuing treatment, and decreased alcohol consumption after leaving treatment. Those suffering from AUD may be more likely to continue further treatment for their disorder and be less tempted to continue consuming alcohol while taking low dose naltrexone.

Treating Opioid Use Disorder- Microdosing Buprenorphine and Naloxone

The current first-line treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is buprenorphine/naloxone. However, when transitioning a patient from an opioid (either prescribed or illicit), there must be a period where the patient abstains from all opioid use prior to the start of treatment. During this time, patients experience withdrawal symptoms, which may lead to treatment dropout or relapse. Microdosing buprenorphine/naloxone allows the patient to continue taking opioids until a therapeutic dose of buprenorphine/naloxone is achieved (usually >8 mg daily), thus avoiding withdrawal symptoms. The initial microdose is small (0.5 mg/0.125 mg) and there are incremental increases to both dose and frequency over time. The induction process takes place over 7 to 10 days and has substantial success due to it being well tolerated, the reduction or elimination of cravings, and withdrawal avoidance.

Personalized for your patients, priced for your practice

Substance Use Disorder

Changing behaviors related to SUD can be challenging due to extreme withdrawal symptoms. Without safe, effective medications, patients face an especially tough road to recovery. Our compounded medicines help reduce the symptoms associated with withdrawal, so your patients will have the best chance to live healthy, happy lives. In order to meet our client’s needs, we have partnered with another expert 503A compounding pharmacy to assist us.

Our Compounds


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Monday – Thursday: 8AM – 5PM
Friday: 7AM – 4PM
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

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Phone: (425) 255-9000
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Compounded drugs are not FDA-approved. Compounded drugs may be appropriate if an FDA-approved drug is not commercially available or cannot meet a patient's medical needs. Compounding pharmacies are regulated by State Boards of Pharmacy and must follow regulations set by the United States Pharmacopeia to ensure strict quality and safety standards.